Sunday, April 4, 2010

Sheet 5

Manually simulate the TWO ATMs waiting line problem (given in book p.614) for 10 customers using the following modifications.

The first customer arrives at time zero.
The inter-arrival time for the rest of customers are as follows:
0.3, 0.9, 1.1, 0.2, 0.6, 1.7, 1.1, 0.1, 1.8

The service time of the first ATM is constant and equals to 3.4
The service time of the second ATM is constant and equals to 3.6

Beside the modifications listed above, use all the assumptions indicated in the book.

a- Number of customers who had to wait
b- Probability of waiting
c- Average waiting time
d- Maximum waiting time
e- Minimum waiting time.
Each student must submit the answer of sheet 5.
The deadline is Friday 16th of April 2010.
You send your answer as an attached pdf file to the following email:

Recall to put your name and ID no. in the first page of the pdf file.
N.B. To convert any document into a pdf file you can use the following free SW:


  1. please Dr the minimum is 0 or min value that grater than 0
    our T.A says that the value that grater than 0 NOT 0 because 0 is not waiting time

